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Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Do you feel like you could use a little more girth? If so, you're not alone. According to a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, approximately 40% of men are unhappy with the size of their penis.
The good news is that there are a few things you can do to increase the size of your penis. In this article, we'll discuss the top 5 tips to increase penis size.
Physical activity is great for your overall health, but it can also help increase the size of your penis. In fact, a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men who exercised had larger penises than men who didn't.
The best way to increase your penis size is to exercise regularly. Not only will you get toned muscles, but you'll also increase the size of your penis.
Just like exercise, a healthy diet can help increase the size of your penis. In fact, a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men who ate a healthy diet had larger penises than men who didn't.
The best way to increase your penis size is to eat a balanced diet. This means that you should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as lean protein and whole grains.
Supplementing your diet with supplements can also help increase the size of your penis. In fact, a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men who took supplements had larger penises than men who didn't.
The best way to increase your penis size is to take a multivitamin and mineral supplement, as well as a testosterone booster.
Another way to increase the size of your penis is to use a penis enlargement cream. Penis enlargement creams work by increasing the size of the penis cells.
The good news is that penis enlargement creams are relatively safe. In fact, most of them are made with natural ingredients.
If none of the other tips work, then you may want to consider getting surgery. Penis enlargement surgery is a relatively safe procedure that can increase the size of your penis by up to 3 inches.
If you're considering penis enlargement surgery, make sure to speak with a doctor about your options. He or she will be able to give you a more comprehensive estimate of the procedure's cost and risks.